
He was born in Kassel, Germany to a Jewish family[3]. His father was a rabbi. His birthname was Israel Beer Josaphat. In Göttingen Reuter met Carl Friedrich Gauss who experimented with the transmission of electrical signals via wire.
On 29 October 1845, he moved to London, where he called himself Joseph Josephat. On November 16 he converted to Christianity during a ceremony at St. George's German Lutheran Chapel in London[4] and changed his name to Paul Julius Reuter. One week later on November 23, he married Ida Maria Elizabeth Clementine Magnus in Berlin. After the failed Revolution of 1848, he fled from Germany and went to Paris and worked there in Charles-Louis Havas' news agency, the future Agence France Presse. While telegraphy evolved, Reuter first founded the Reuters News Agency in Aachen which transferred messages between Brussels and Aachen using carrier pigeons. This was the missing link to connect Berlin and Paris. The carrier pigeons were much faster than the post train, giving Reuter faster access to stock news from the Paris stock exchange. In 1851, the carrier pigeons were superseded by a direct telegraph link.[5] A telegraph link was established between Britain and the European continent through the English Channel. This link was extended to the south-western shore of Ireland, at Cork in 1863. There ships coming from America threw canisters containing news into the sea. The news was telegraphed to London, arriving before the ships.
In 1851 Reuter moved back to London and set up an office at the London Stock Exchange. Reuter founded Reuters, one of the major financial news agencies of the world. On 17 March 1857, Reuter was naturalised as a British subject, and on September 7, 1871, the German Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha conferred a barony (Freiherr) on Julius Reuter. The title was "confirmed by Queen Victoria as conferring the privileges of the nobility in England".[4]
Baron de Reuter had two sons, George, 3rd Baron de Reuter, and André Reuter. His only daughter, Clementine Maria, married Count Otto Stenbock, and after his death, Sir Herbert Chermside, a governor of Queensland.[6] George, 3rd Baron de Reuter had two sons, Oliver, 4th Baron de Reuter, and Ronald Reuter. The last member of the family, Marguerite, widow of the 4th baron, died on January 25, 2009.[7]
Paul Reuter died in Villa Reuter, Nice, France, and was buried in the family vault at West Norwood Cemetery in London.
Edward G. Robinson portrayed Reuter in the Warner Bros. biopic A Dispatch from Reuters (1940).
On February 25, 1999, the Reuters News Agency commemorated the 100th anniversary of the death of its founder by launching a university award (Paul Julius Reuter Innovation Award) in Germany.[8]
The last surviving member of the Reuters family, Marguerite, Baroness de Reuter, who was Paul Reuter's granddaughter-in-law, died in 2009 at the age of 96.
On 29 October 1845, he moved to London, where he called himself Joseph Josephat. On November 16 he converted to Christianity during a ceremony at St. George's German Lutheran Chapel in London[4] and changed his name to Paul Julius Reuter. One week later on November 23, he married Ida Maria Elizabeth Clementine Magnus in Berlin. After the failed Revolution of 1848, he fled from Germany and went to Paris and worked there in Charles-Louis Havas' news agency, the future Agence France Presse. While telegraphy evolved, Reuter first founded the Reuters News Agency in Aachen which transferred messages between Brussels and Aachen using carrier pigeons. This was the missing link to connect Berlin and Paris. The carrier pigeons were much faster than the post train, giving Reuter faster access to stock news from the Paris stock exchange. In 1851, the carrier pigeons were superseded by a direct telegraph link.[5] A telegraph link was established between Britain and the European continent through the English Channel. This link was extended to the south-western shore of Ireland, at Cork in 1863. There ships coming from America threw canisters containing news into the sea. The news was telegraphed to London, arriving before the ships.
In 1851 Reuter moved back to London and set up an office at the London Stock Exchange. Reuter founded Reuters, one of the major financial news agencies of the world. On 17 March 1857, Reuter was naturalised as a British subject, and on September 7, 1871, the German Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha conferred a barony (Freiherr) on Julius Reuter. The title was "confirmed by Queen Victoria as conferring the privileges of the nobility in England".[4]
Baron de Reuter had two sons, George, 3rd Baron de Reuter, and André Reuter. His only daughter, Clementine Maria, married Count Otto Stenbock, and after his death, Sir Herbert Chermside, a governor of Queensland.[6] George, 3rd Baron de Reuter had two sons, Oliver, 4th Baron de Reuter, and Ronald Reuter. The last member of the family, Marguerite, widow of the 4th baron, died on January 25, 2009.[7]
Paul Reuter died in Villa Reuter, Nice, France, and was buried in the family vault at West Norwood Cemetery in London.
Edward G. Robinson portrayed Reuter in the Warner Bros. biopic A Dispatch from Reuters (1940).
On February 25, 1999, the Reuters News Agency commemorated the 100th anniversary of the death of its founder by launching a university award (Paul Julius Reuter Innovation Award) in Germany.[8]
The last surviving member of the Reuters family, Marguerite, Baroness de Reuter, who was Paul Reuter's granddaughter-in-law, died in 2009 at the age of 96.


„Kövesd a kábelt” – ez volt Reuter elve. És a gyakorlata is: 1858-ra már több irodája működött a kontinensen. Hírügynökségének első előfizetője a londoni Morning Advertiser című újság lett, és nem sokkal később követte a Times is, majd gyakorlatilag az egész angol sajtó. A legmagasabb körökben is felfigyeltek rá, olyannyira, hogy Lord Palmerston miniszterelnök a királynőnek is bemutatta. Reuter nagy győzelmei között tartják számon, hogy 1865-ben az ő hírügynökségéé volt az európai elsőség, amikor riportban számolt be Lincoln amerikai elnök meggyilkolásáról.
Mihelyt a tenger alatti kábelek lehetővé tették, Reuter irodát nyitott Egyiptomban, később Amerikában, a Távol-Keleten és Dél-Amerikában is. Ahol meg hiányzott a műszaki háttér, mint például Kínában, ott futárokat alkalmazott. A kábelhálózatot kiépíttette az ír partokig, Corkig, és ezáltal az Egyesült Államok került közelebb: az Amerikából érkező hajók kidobták a híreket, ily módon távírón órákkal hamarabb jutottak el Londonba, mint ahogy a hajó kikötött volna.
A brit állampolgárságot 1857-ben vette fel Reuter. Szülőhazájában 1871-ben bárói rangot kapott, és Viktória királynő jóvoltából Angliában is élvezhette a vele járó kiváltságokat. Hatvankét évesen, 1878-ban átadta a vezetői feladatokat fiának, Herbertnek. A cég irányításában azért még utána is részt vett, ezt mutatja egy 1883-as, a munkatársainak írt körlevele, amelyben tulajdonképpen lefektette a hírügynökségi munka alapjait. Tehát amiről Reuter szerint feltétlenül hírt kell adni: tűzvész, robbanás, áradás, vonatbaleset, földrengés, pusztító viharok, áldozatokat követelő hajótörés, súlyos utcai zavargások, sztrájkok, ismert emberek öngyilkossága, borzalmas gyilkosságok. A puszta tényeket a lehető legsürgősebben kell jelenteni, utána pedig – ugyancsak minél előbb – a részletes leírást, az események súlyával arányosan. És persze alapelv, hogy követni kell a fejleményeket.A Reuter éles harcot vívott a francia Havas és a német Wolff hírügynökséggel, 1870-ben azonban felosztották egymás között a piacot, és újabb konkurens egy jó ideig nem volt képes beférkőzni közéjük.Paul Julius Reuter idős korában kellemesebb éghajlatra vágyott, Nizzába költözött, és ottani villájában halt meg 1899-ben. Virágzó hírügynökséget hagyott maga után. Ha belegondolunk, hogy néhány postagalambbal kezdte…
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